Our trade contractor relationships begin with registration in our online plan room. To register to receive bids from us, fill in the form below. Be sure to click on the Work Categories link at the bottom left to complete and submit the form.
** Primary Contact Information: Please provide us with a principal contact person who will always be available to receive information on behalf of your company. Include name, phone, fax, and e-mail. We will also send information to additional contacts as requested.
*If you are a minority/women owned business but not state certified please visit this official state website:
https://comptroller.texas.gov/purchasing/vendor/hub/ for information about applying for a state HUB certification.
Additional contacts within your company will have to submit on this sub vendor information sheet. This will help appropriately direct our bid information to your company. Please be specific in the work scopes, categories, projects and/or specific types of work (i.e. hospitals, schools, all commercial, etc…) that are handled by each contact you provide. If you are sending us additional contact information so that support staff personnel within your company will also be listed and contacted for bid invitations please indicate that here.
This information is mandatory. Your application will not be processed until this form is filled out completely. You will receive invitations only for the work categories you select, so please read all the scopes of work and mark them accordingly.